Virtual networking: TUN/TAP, MacVLAN, and MacVTap


Macvtap is a new device driver meant to simplify virtualized bridged networking. It replaces the combination of the tun/tap and bridge drivers with a single module based on the macvlan device driver. A macvtap endpoint is a character device that largely follows the tun/tap ioctl interface and can be used directly by kvm/qemu and other hypervisors that support the tun/tap interface. The endpoint extends an existing network interface, the lower device, and has its own mac address on the same ethernet segment. Typically, this is used to make both the guest and the host show up directly on the switch that the host is connected to.


  1. TUN/TAP
  2. MacVLan/MacVTap
  3. MacVLan/MacVTap working mode
  4. Setting up macvtap (macvlan)
  5. Demo: OpenvSwitch vs MacVTap
  6. Performance measures
  7. User-mode Linux(UML) with MacVTap
  8. User-mode Linux(UML) with OpenvSwitch and MacVTap

  1. TUN/TAP

    Physical NIC network stack

    TUN dervice

    Simulate an UDP VPN process.

    TAP dervice

    Like TUN device, here is a list of the main differences between tun and tap.

    1. /dev/tunX works on IP layer (ip_forward)
    2. /dev/tapX work on MAC layer (bridge, MAC broadcast)

  2. MacVLAN/MacVTap


    Macvlan working mode

    Macvlan work with namespace


    Use /dev/tapX instead of network stack.

    MacVLan and MacVTap are both working on MAC layer.

  3. MacVLan/MacVTap working mode

    Both macvlan and macvtap can be in one of four modes, defining the communication between macvtap endpoints on a single lower device:

    1. Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA), the default mode: data from one endpoint to another endpoint on the same lower device gets sent down the lower device to external switch. If that switch supports the hairpin mode, the frames get sent back to the lower device and from there to the destination endpoint.

      Most switches today do not support hairpin mode, so the two endpoints are not able to exchange ethernet frames, although they might still be able to communicate using an tcp/ip router. A linux host used as the adjacent bridge can be put into hairpin mode by writing to /sys/class/net/dev/brif/port/hairpin_mode. This mode is particularly interesting if you want to manage the virtual machine networking at the switch level. A switch that is aware of the VEPA guests can enforce filtering and bandwidth limits per MAC address without the Linux host knowing about it.

    2. Bridge mode: this works almost like a traditional bridge, in that data received on a macvlan in bridge mode and destined for another macvlan of the same lower device is sent directly to the target (if the target macvlan is also in bridge mode), rather than being sent outside. This of course works well with non-hairpin switches, and inter-VM traffic has better performance than VEPA mode, since the external round-trip is avoided.

    3. Private mode: this is essentially like VEPA mode, but with the added feature that no macvlans on the same lower device can communicate, regardless of where the packets come from (so even if inter-VM traffic is sent back by a hairpin switch or an IP router, the target macvlan is prevented from receiving it). I haven't tried, but I suppose that it is the operating mode of the target macvlan that determines whether it receives the traffic or not. This mode is useful, of course, if we really want macvlan isolation.
    4. Passthru mode: this mode was added later, to work around some limitation of macvlans (more details here). I'm not 100% clear on what's the problem passthru mode tries to solve, as I was able to set promiscuous mode, create bridges, vlans and sub-macv{lan,tap} interfaces in KVM guests using a plain macvtap in VEPA mode for their networking (so no need for passthru). Since I'm surely missing something, more information (as usual) is welcome.
  4. Setting up macvtap (or macvlan)

    A macvtap interface is created an configured using the ip link command from iproute2, in the same way as we configure macvlan or veth interfaces.

    $ sudo ip link add link eth0 name macvtap0 address 52:54:00:b8:9c:58 type macvtap mode bridge
    $ sudo ip link set macvtap0 up
    $ ip link show macvtap0

    Qemu on macvtap

    Qemu as of 0.12 does not have direct support for macvtap, so we have to (ab)use the tun/tap configuration interface. To start a guest on the interface from the above example, we need to pass the device node as an open file descriptor to qemu and tell it about the mac address. The scripts normally used for bridge configuration must be disabled. A bash redirect can be used to open the character device in read/write mode and pass it as file descriptor 3.

    $ qemu -net nic,model=virtio,addr=1a:46:0b:ca:bc:7b -net tap,fd=3 3<>/dev/tap11
  5. Demo: OpenvSwitch vs MacVTap

    Define MacVTap network and Openvswitch in liabvirt

    $ cat network.xml
      <forward mode='bridge'/>
      <bridge name='br1'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
        <parameters interfaceid='bffd2747-4b84-44b5-bdf4-faede6e413c5'/>
       <forward mode="bridge">
          <interface dev="eth1"/>
       <forward mode="vepa">
          <interface dev="eth2"/>
       <forward mode="bridge">
          <interface dev="eth2"/>
    $ sudo virsh net-define network.xml

    A part of libvirt XML definition of MacVTap

    <interface type='network'>
          <mac address='52:54:00:0a:8a:c1'/>
          <source network='ovs-bridge-eth1'/>
          <model type='rtl8139'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
       <interface type='network'>
          <mac address='52:54:00:0a:8a:c2'/>
          <source network='macvtap-bridge-eth2'/>
          <model type='rtl8139'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x1'/>
    $ sudo virsh create VM0.xml

    Connect host via macvlan

    $ cat setmacvlan
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo ip link add link eth2 name vlan0 address 50:e5:49:45:76:db type macvlan mode bridge
    sudo ifconfig eth2
    sudo ifconfig vlan0
    $ cat delmacvlan
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo ifconfig vlan0 down
    sudo ifconfig eth2
    sudo ip link del dev vlan0

    OpenVSwitch hairping mode

    $ cat
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow brPrivate2 actions=all,in_port
    sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows brPrivate2
    $ cat 
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows brPrivate2
    sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow brPrivate2 priority=0,actions=normal
    sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows brPrivate2

    Trace libvirt commands

    $ ps aux |grep kvm
    libvirt+  4486  1.7  2.8 4676344 237544 ?      Sl   Jan19  12:32 
    -enable-kvm -name VM2 -S -machine pc-i440fx-2.1,accel=kvm,usb=off -cpu qemu64 
    -m 2048 -realtime mlock=off -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 
    -uuid 3adebedc-eb5c-4a26-96fe-5933861c4abd -no-user-config -nodefaults 
    -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/VM2.monitor,server,nowait 
    -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew 
    -global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -no-hpet -no-shutdown -boot strict=on 
    -device ich9-usb-ehci1,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5.0x7 
    -device ich9-usb-uhci1,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=0,bus=pci.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x5 
    -device ich9-usb-uhci2,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=2,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5.0x1 
    -device ich9-usb-uhci3,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=4,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5.0x2 
    -device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6 
    -drive file=/home/cloud/libvirt/vm2.img,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,format=raw,cache=none 
    -device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0x7,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1 
    -netdev tap,fd=24,id=hostnet0 
    -device rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:0a:8a:c5,bus=pci.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x3 
    -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet1 
    -device rtl8139,netdev=hostnet1,id=net1,mac=52:54:00:0a:8a:c6,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3.0x1 
    -chardev pty,id=charserial0 -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 
    -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel0,name=vdagent 
    -device virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.spice.0 
    -spice port=5902,addr=,disable-ticketing,seamless-migration=on 
    -device qxl-vga,id=video0,ram_size=67108864,vram_size=67108864,bus=pci.0,addr=0x2 
    -device intel-hda,id=sound0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4 
    -device hda-duplex,id=sound0-codec0,bus=sound0.0,cad=0 
    -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir0,name=usbredir 
    -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir0,id=redir0 
    -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir1,name=usbredir 
    -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir1,id=redir1 
    -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir2,name=usbredir 
    -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir2,id=redir2 
    -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir3,name=usbredir 
    -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir3,id=redir3 
    -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x8 
    -msg timestamp=on
  6. Performances measures

    MacVTap bridge; vepaovsvde2host1host2
    NICvirtio+vhostvirtio+vhostvirtioIntel Corporation 82574LD-Link System Inc DGE-528T
    internal8.54 Gbits/sec; n/a8.52 Gbits/sec647 Mbits/secn/an/a
    external941 Mbits/sec; 940 Mbits/sec940 Mbits/sec932 Mbits/sec944 Mbits/sec944 Mbits/sec

    $ cat start-MacVTap0-AsDaemon
    #! /bin/bash
    # Don't Edit, File automatically generated by Config-Kvm-vhoston script
    if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]
       then sudo echo "Super User passwd, please:"
            if [ $? -ne 0 ]
              then  echo "Sorry, need su privilege!"
                    exit 1
    sudo ip link add link eth0 name macvtap0 address ${MACaddr} type macvtap mode bridge
    sleep 2
    sudo ip link set dev macvtap0 up
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/macvtap0/ifindex)
    sudo chmod 666 /dev/tap${TAPNUM}
    mkdir /src3/KVM/network-11586
    echo "Starting VM: MacVTap0..., mem=${MEM}"
    screen -S MacVTap0 -d -m run-MacVTap0-AsDaemon
    $ cat run-MacVTap0-AsDaemon
    #! /bin/bash
    MACaddr=$(< /sys/class/net/macvtap0/address)
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/macvtap0/ifindex)
    qemu-system-x86_64 -name MacVTap0 -localtime -curses \
           -m ${MEM} -enable-kvm \
           -monitor unix:/src3/KVM/network-11586/MonSock,server,nowait \
           -netdev tap,fd=3,id=hostnet0,vhost=on \
           -net nic,vlan=0,netdev=hostnet0,macaddr=${MACaddr},model=virtio \
           -drive index=0,media=disk,if=virtio,file=../img/MacVLan0.img 3<>/dev/tap${TAPNUM}
    $ cat stop-MacVTap0-restore-lan
    #! /bin/bash
    # Don't Edit, File automatically generated by Config-Kvm-vhoston script
    if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]
       then sudo echo "Super User passwd, please:"
            if [ $? -ne 0 ]
              then  echo "Sorry, need su privilege!"
                    exit 1
    if [ -S /src3/KVM/network-11586/MonSock ]; then
        echo "system_powerdown" | socat - unix-connect:/src3/KVM/network-11586/MonSock
        echo "Please wait 10 seconds."
        sleep 10
        echo "Socket has been removed! Shutdown by ssh or resotre Lan only."
    ping -c 3
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
        echo "MacVTap0 still alive, shut it down.  Enter passwd twice!"
        ssh -t jssu@ 'sudo init 0'
        rm -rf /src3/KVM/network-11586
    echo "Restore lan..."
    if [ -d /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/macvtap0 ]; then
        sudo ip link set dev macvtap0 down
        sudo ip link delete macvtap0

  7. User-mode Linux(UML) with MacVTap

    $ cat startUML-MacVTap-AsDaemon
    #! /bin/bash
       declare int i=0;
       for devices in `find /sys/class/net -type l -name "vtap*"`
       if [ ${i} -gt 0 ]
         then echo "Yes"
       else echo "No"
    sudo echo Need SU passwd: 
    if [ `IsThereTapDevice` = "No" ]
       then sudo iptables --flush
            sudo iptables --table nat --flush
            sudo iptables --delete-chain
            sudo iptables --table nat --delete-chain
            sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth1 -j MASQUERADE
    #sudo tunctl -u jssu -t tap0
    sudo ip link add link eth0 name vtap0 address ${MACaddr} type macvtap mode bridge
    sleep 2
    sudo ip link set dev vtap0 up
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/vtap0/ifindex)
    sudo chmod 666 /dev/tap${TAPNUM}
    sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    #sudo arp -Ds eth0 pub
    sudo screen -S MacVTap -d -m linux.uml \
    	   ubd0=DebJes-MacVTap.ext4 \
    	   eth0=tuntap,tap${TAPNUM} \
    	   mem=1024M \
    	   con=pty con0=fd:0,fd:1 umid=MacVTap
    sleep 30
    sudo ifconfig tap${TAPNUM} netmask up
    sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.tap${TAPNUM}.proxy_arp=1
    sudo route add -host dev tap${TAPNUM}
    $ cat stop-uml-restore-lan-MacVTap
       declare int i=0;
       for devices in `find /sys/class/net -type l -name "vtap*"`
       if [ ${i} -gt 0 ]
         then echo "Yes"
       else echo "No"
    sudo echo Need SU passwd: 
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq s
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq u
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq e
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap halt
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/vtap0/ifindex)
    sudo ifconfig tap${TAPNUM} down
    sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.tap${TAPNUM}.proxy_arp=0
    sudo ip link set dev vtap0 down
    sudo ip link delete vtap0
    if [ `IsThereTapDevice` = "No" ]; then
        sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0
        sudo iptables --flush
        sudo iptables --table nat --flush
        sudo iptables --delete-chain
        sudo iptables --table nat --delete-chain

    Known issues

  8. User-mode Linux(UML) with OpenvSwitch MacVTap

    $ cat startUML-OVS-MacVTap-AsDaemon
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo ip link add link brLAN name vtap0 address ${MACaddr} type macvtap mode bridge
    sleep 2
    sudo ip link set dev vtap0 up
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/vtap0/ifindex)
    sudo chmod 666 /dev/tap${TAPNUM}
    # sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    # sudo arp -Ds eth0 pub
    sudo screen -S MacVTap -d -m linux.uml \
         ubd0=DebJes-MacVTap.ext4 \
         eth0=tuntap,tap${TAPNUM} mem=1024M \
         con=pty con0=fd:0,fd:1 umid=MacVTap
    sleep 30
    sudo ovs-vsctl add-port brLAN tap${TAPNUM}
    sudo ifconfig tap${TAPNUM} up
    $ cat stop-uml-restore-lan-OVS-MacVTap
    #! /bin/bash
    sudo echo Need SU passwd:
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq s
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq u
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap sysrq e
    sudo uml_mconsole MacVTap halt
    TAPNUM=$(< /sys/class/net/vtap0/ifindex)
    sudo ovs-vsctl del-port brLAN tap${TAPNUM}
    sudo ip link set dev vtap0 down
    sudo ip link delete vtap0

    Known issues
